Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Coronary Artery Disease history n lifestyle...mmg penyumbang kpd risk on getting this CAD things!..ape nak buat, right now my husband is on his way back from visited my eldest bro..A.khir who was diagnosed with CAD at Hosp Kelang. I can't go due to my confinement period..(bilalah nak abis pantang ni??hehe) Previously my third bro, A.Abid also was diagnosed with same disease at DEMC...i thinks its run in myself too...the symptoms are obvious...cume takut je nak gi spital..try natural remedies bleh??heeehhehe...

bak kata nurul my niece, adakah perlu piranha bertukar menjadi brokolli...atau mungkin vegetarian ke??amboi...bleh ke?? but i hav to try my best to controll my dietry intake..its too risky to ignore the symptom..walaupun ajal maut jodoh pertemuan di tgn, kita kene sentiasa berusaha bak kita akan hidup 1000 tahun lagi n tak lupa juga beramal ibadat bak esok akan pergi jua...huhu..

hmm, after seachirng net for natural we can expect, mestilah kene kurangkan mknn berkolestrol tinggi n bykkan excercise...yg lain2 tu ada tips suruh minum air + lemon + madu----> boleh buat kot..mcm sedap je...hehehe...minum air parsley pun bagus...(pasrley ni apa? x sama kan ngan daun sup??)..selain tu makan oat will helps too..(waa kene stock up oat ni..)

kesimpulannya..pasni x bleh la makan sesuka hati ye..(igtkan diri sendir..) kene senam hari2 at least 30 mins..(lama tu..n perlukan motibasi tinggi nih!)huh!...mudah2an piranha semua shat n positip utk mengejar impian yg belum tercapai...

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